- Today many TV shows and advertisements try to look amateurish or "homegrown" to emulate what is often seen on the Web. Do you think professional production values will continue to drop, or do you think amateur user-generated content will get better over time? WHY?? I think that user-generated content will improve over time. The reason for this is because technology is improving rapidly. Not too long ago most people did not even own computers and the Web is still fairly new. The more time that the web has been around the more advanced it will become.
- What social media sites do you find yourself using the most, and why? In your opinion why is Facebook so much more successful than MySpace, and do you think Facebook is "here to stay" for the long term.
- The Social Media site that I use the most is with out a doubt, Facebook. The reason I think that Facebook is more successful than Myspace is that Facebook is more of a way to communicate with a person's friends. People have to get permission to see your profile my "friending" you. Also It is a great way to keep in touch with people who you don't see everyday and know what is new with them. The way people can tag and share pictures, links, send messages, chat and update statuses all in one site, makes Facebook appealing to all ages.
before answering question #3 please read the Transparency in Social Media Blog Article
- Why is transparency such an important concept in the Social Media world? Is it MORE or LESS important in the offline world? According to Wikipidia, "Transparency… when used in a social context, implies openness, communication, and accountability." The reason that this is so important in the Social Media world is that when certain people accept money to endorse companies in their blog or twitter then viewers do not know whether what that person is saying is their true opinion or if it is what they are being paid to say. In real life most people tend to tell the truth and have transparency, they do this naturally without even thinking about it. Sometimes when people are on the web they do not tell the truth because they don't view being transparent on the web the same as off the web. This is a problem, people should be transparent both on and off the web.
13 years ago
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